
History-Social Science
The 六合皇料 provides support in the area of history-social science (HSS) for implementation of and instructional shifts. Our content consultant offers customized professional development, coaching, and support services to enhance interdisciplinary content (geography, history, economics, civics), inquiry learning, literacy/language development, and citizenship.
Ed Tech Graphic (1080 脳 700 px)
Professional learning services and content coaching are available for multiple history-social science needs and may include, but are not limited to:
  • History-social science assessments design

  • Lessons design

  • Lessons study

  • On-site instructional coaching for history-social science

  • On-site coaching for integrated ELD in history-social science

  • Implementation of Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Framework alignment with academic integration

  • Coaching for Continuous Improvement for Equity (CIE) to address closing achievement gaps for all learners

  • Social and emotional learning (SEL) embedded within instructional practices
History-Social Science Staff Development & Curriculum Specialist

Laura Gunning

(559) 651-3031



Professional Learning Opportunities