
Bright Future Therapeutic Behavioral Services Program

Bright Future TBS logoThe Bright Future Program offers Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) to children and adolescents experiencing serious emotional and behavioral challenges in the home.

Intensive individualized programming, using the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA), is provided on a short-term basis in order to reduce targeted behaviors and teach new skills. The goal of TBS is to maintain the child's current placement while teaching caregivers a new way to respond to challenging behavior.

Therapeutic Behavioral Services are voluntary. They are available to children with full-scope Medi-Cal benefits who are receiving ongoing mental health services.

Behavioral Assessment and Treatment

After gathering information from multiple sources, the child's behavior is evaluated in the natural environment and target behaviors are identified. Evidence-based interventions are then selected, and one-on-one behavioral services are provided in the home. Ongoing data collection is used to measure success, and services are discontinued when challenging behaviors no longer jeopardize the child's placement.

Highly Qualified Staff

Bright Future-TBS merges evidence-based behavioral interventions with mental health programming. Supervisors, consultants, and coaches are all trained in applied behavioral analysis, functional behavior assessment, nonviolent crisis intervention, and the use of positive behavior support.

Benefits of TBS

  • Benefits of successful TBS services for children and caregivers include:
  • Reducing family stress
  • Coping with personal stressors and communicating negative feelings in positive ways
  • Preventing placement in higher or more restrictive levels of residential care
  • Learning new behaviors that result in lasting change
We are always interested in finding motivated individuals looking to make a difference in the lives of the families we serve.

Let us know if you'd like to be part of the Bright Future TBS team.

View and print the Bright Future-TBS brochure.

Ron Pekarek, M.S., BCBA, Program Manager
(559) 747-3984, ext. 6811