
University-Ready College Bound Program (URCB)

The University-Ready College Bound Program promotes a college-going culture for migratory students and their families through activities that support the four A's:  Advocacy, Attachment, Attendance, and Achievement.


  • Migratory students participating in the URCB Program who attend scheduled migrant activities will increase their attendance, have fewer discipline referrals to the office and improve their GPA, as shown by grade transcripts and services logs.
  • Migratory students participating in the URCB Program who attend scheduled migrant activities will enlist in at least one extracurricular activity at school, as shown by services logs.
  • 100% of parents participating in the URCB Program will attend as least one parent-teacher conference, parent-counselor conference, back-to-school event, or college study trip, as applicable and as shown by services logs.

A Guidance Technician will be at assigned sites once a week or as determined by the need of the migratory students attending the district(s) of service. Program focus while on campus will include:

  • Advocacy
  • Engage students in Leadership Skills Development
    • Self-awareness
    • Human relations
    • Goal-setting
    • Service projects
    • School activities
    • High school requirements awareness
    • Community projects
  • Parent Contact
    • Inform parents of school functions
    • Discuss the child's academic progress with parents
  • Student Academic Progress
    • Monitor students' grades and attendance
    • Communicate with teachers, staff, principal
  • Motivational Activities
    • Regional Migrant, district, community study trips to universities
    • Other school extracurricular activities
  • Other roles of the Guidance Technician
    • Role model
    • Facilitate group meetings and/or discussions 
    • Promote support systems for students